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Change Management

Writer's picture: Blanca E. DuarteBlanca E. Duarte
Woman drinking coffee and working on a laptop at home

LogicWing has been involved in a lot of conversations around change management. More specifically, the question is how do you create change? This "change" is typically followed by conversation about what "needs" to change. Do we need to change leadership? Attitude? Do we change our ideas? Do we change the way that we do things?

I suppose the real question is how can we instill a culture of adaptability and flexibility in our environments?
After all, what is change except the ability to be flexible, adaptable and instill a culture of learning and growth?

We have all endured change in our lives. Some of those changes are entirely out of our control. To age is to change. Time is about change too. There are always things that we cannot control in life. That's fine. We grow, we adapt, and hopefully through experience, we learn too. Once upon a time, this woman was a child. A child changed into a teen. A teen changed into a young woman. A young woman who changed see where I am going. There was also a time that I would question everything about the way the world worked, why it worked a certain way...why it didn't change into another, different way. I like to think I still do.

One such experience was as an accounting manager for a pretty large corporation. In my early twenties, as a young, fairly inexperienced manager, I asked about some reports that I found myself working on late one night. The fact that I was extracting one number from one report and placing it manually into another bothered me. It wasn't that working until midnight wasn't appealing - after all everyone had to pay their dues. However, what bothered me was that the fact that the numbers I was inputting came directly out of a report that had been computer generated. Why, if the numbers came out of a computer already, was I inputting them manually into another report? That seemed silly. After all, what I really needed to do was analyze the numbers, send them off to respective departments and get answers to questions I couldn't answer. Working until midnight even as a way to pay some dues when I knew the numbers were somewhere, hidden, in the mighty depths of the mainframe in Chicago was silly. So, despite confused looks about why I was questioning what to me seemed an easy fix, and the disagreements with IT (why couldn't the computer round I asked?) I finally received my reports. Oh but not without some difficulty!!! It couldn't be done, they said. That's not the way we had done it in the past, they claimed. So what was my answer? I deciphered code, taught myself some logic, and spent hours writing my own formulas to prove that it could be done. Of course my logic wasn't perfect but it got the point across. You best believe we created those reports, and got our rounding errors fixed, and did what people said couldn't be done because it hadn't been done that way before.

I should've realized that my passion for making easy things easier to do in order to make it easier for the harder things to get done would drive me the rest of my life. Now, 20 years later, I find myself still questioning the why of "Why do we have to do things the old way?"

Next time you have work to do and find yourself working all hours of the night to make things happen, sit back, think about what you are doing and find a way to make the easy things happen more easily. This way, you can concentrate on the things that really matter. That's the LogicWing way. We help you make the most of your technology so you can do what you do better.


Schedule a free call with us to learn how we can help you via consulting or our Google Workspace managed services.

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